The Nationwide charity fund “Yardem-Pomoch” (“Help”) in 2024-2025 – that was the theme of the press conference. We recommend you to get to know some of the numbers.
Charity fund “Yardam-Pomosch”, the former “Yardem”.
The results of the year 2024 and the plans for 2025.
On the 15-th of January in 2025 there was held a meeting in Kazan, RT, where the head of the well-known charity fund reported to the journalists. The philantropist Ildar hazrat Bayazitov presented the work done and the plans for the future.
The Nationwide charity fund “Yardam-Pomoch” (“Help”) in 2024-2025 – that was the theme of the press conference. We recommend you to get to know some of the numbers.
Our fund which includes the rehabilitation center for disabled people conducts rehabilitation courses for blind people and wheelchair users.
This year 350 disabled people of various categories from 40 regions of Russia and CIS countries studied in our rehabilitation center of the fund during their rehabilitation period, they came through socialization for blind ones, deaf ones and wheelchair users.
Our blind rehabilitators know how to read Quran by Loius Braille method. There were published and distributed 23200 copies of books and textbooks for the blind rehabilitators in the printing office of the fund. Among them there are the books of the Quran, Tafsir, fiction and textbooks in Russian, Tatar, Arabic.
Our fund is engaged in feeding the needy. Our fund has a social canteen which works daily and hands out hot lunches every day for needy people. So this year we handed out 105300 hot lunches in our social canteen. During Ramadan we handed out 2200 food packages and 60 000 iftar portions.
Every year we hold the celebration of Kurban-bairam (the feast of sacrifice). 16 tons of a sacrificial meat were distributed for disabled people, poor ones, large families, orphans during this celebration.
Our fund is engaged in travelling to Hajj and Umrah. This year we could send to Hajj and Umrah some of our blind rehabilitators. They could do this travelling with the help of maintainers.
As our fund includes a mosque so anyone may come to pray and give sadaka (donation) for needy people and our rehabilitators. One of the kinds of donation is Gushr- giving a certain part of the harvest. It is done by those who has its own village, a suburban area or who is engaged in farming. So this year 60 tons of vegetables were given to those in need.
The fund “Yardem” also includes in itself an inclusive sport complex “Dan”. 500 disabled people go through socialization and rehabilitation in this complex. This complex also may be visited by young and little healthy sportsmen.
Our fund takes care of our rehabilitators’ health. This year we work over the inclusion center “Yardem” which will contain a pool for the wheelchair users. It is supposed to be in Kazan.
This year we opened new charity objects. In Apastovo urban-type settlement there was opened a spiritual and moral center named “Hajjar”. Here little Muslim kids can get an Islamic education and upbringing. Here in Apastovo we are going to open a boarding house for the boys. An analogical project we are going to repeat for girls in Baltasi urban-type settlement, village Tunter.
There was opened the Center of studying Quran in Levchenko settlement situated in one of the districts of Kazan. Any interested person may go through the study.
Our “Yardem” supports those who protects our motherland in the SMO (special military operation). We could provide assistance to them by food, medicine, clothes and inventory for 260 000 rubles.
The fund conducts the work with the convicts. 600 convicts receive a moral education and a spiritual care. This work is done by imams of the mosque of our fund in the prisons.
There are a lot of old and young people who needs care and cure after illness or getting injuries. Therefore our fund launched a nurses training project for the disabled people for a long-term care “The hand of mercy”. These courses taught the future nurses how to take care of bed patients, to provide first aid, psychological moments, cure by reading Ruqyah (pray).
Leysan Fatyhova
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